About Coach For Colorado

Coach For Colorado (CoForCo) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2015 and born out of the need for excellent coaches in low-income schools across the Denver Metro Area. Middle and high school coaches are uniquely positioned to serve as role models for students in under-resourced neighborhoods and have a transformational impact on kids’ lives on and off the court. CoForCo aims to not only prepare recent college athletes to effectively coach at the middle and high school level, but also to support the athletes in making long term commitments to their school communities.

We do this by matching recent college graduates with successful academic and athletic collegiate track records to entry level jobs in private sector industries and to Denver public schools that need effective coaches.

We provide training on the front end and a stipend (above and beyond what coaches are paid by DPS) for each year of successful coaching in their placement schools.

Mission Statement

Coach For Colorado's mission is to select, train, support, and retain quality coaches for kids in low income communities.

To accomplish its mission, Coach For Colorado partners with:

Recent Graduates

who competed athletically at the Division I, II, III or club level in college.


looking to hire student athletes or recent college graduates with exceptional team and leadership skills for part-time, summer, or entry-level positions.

Middle and High Schools

in need of quality part-time coaches in low-income areas across greater Denver.

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